Saturday, December 11, 2010


I never knew what TTC was until I was Trying To Conceive myself and it's been 4 months now and no baby. With Alexa and Jaxon they were one timers! I would think about being pregnant and there I find myself pregnant shortly after. I am not complaining about ttc because I am so grateful I got to have my babies... I also don't think I won't be able to get pregnant... I'm just going through the whole process of the waiting game! Good thing I'm a pretty patient person. I'm not gonna lie though it is a little depressing month after month wanting a baby so badly and being told no not this month. I am going to see my doctor and see if something is wrong just because I've had some other lady problems like cysts and what not but I'm not gonna lie... I have an odd feeling that something isn't right. I'm hoping for the best and expecting the worse, like I always do. I will keep my head up and I will stay happy and busy because of my two little monsters! Maybe hopefully someday soon I will be able to become pregnant and complete my cute little family!! *fingers crossed*

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