Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Progress Is Progress

In my last post I was talking about dieting and how bad it blows... and yes I still have the same views on it, but I must say 7 lbs lost isn't bad for one week! The crappy thing is the weekends... I always cheat! I hate that I cheat... I need to stop it. I didn't even work out I just ate better and stayed busy with kids and house work. I haven't just been trying to lose weight I've been trying to be a better me and I think I've made really great progress with it all! I'm holding strong, and I always feel like the first week is the easiest so hopefully I don't eff it up! Fixing what's wrong is hard, doing wrong is easy. Wish me luck, and for anyone who reads this if you have goals and are doing a good job keeping them well, thumbs up and keep up the hard/good work!


Anonymous said...

Mandy, you have to give yourself some slack. Otherwise if you didn't and when you did finally Cheat you would not just cheat but eat everything in sight! Trust me, Great job on loosing that much. Its so hard once you have had kids! Keep up the good work.

Mandy Marshall Wood said...

Thanks Ashlee! You're right I need to give myself some slack. :) I'm very happy about my improvement in weight loss but it's true about it being harder with kids... but I know I can do it, and I know it will take so much time. Thanks for the support!!!