Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Getting closer!

I thought I would do a little update on the pregnancy!!! I finally got some good news from my doctor yesterday. I went in for a check up and he told me that I would not make it to the new year with this baby!!! Meaning here comes another Christmas baby! I feel sort of bad about it... now having both kids in December around Christmas! Hopefully they won't be to mad at me when they get older! Other news is everything is looking great! This baby is really really low is what the doctor had told me. I'm so excited that I'm getting closer! My Due date is the 5Th of Jan. and Alexa's was the 3rd of Jan. and was born on the 22 Nd of Dec. So I guess we will see how this all works out! I also thought I would post up some pics of Alexa that her aunt Kami took of her on her cell. She is a goofy and fun little girl and I hope you can tell by some of these pics!!!


Kristy said...

Oh that is so nice to be told you are having the baby sooner than later!

Cute pictures

Anonymous said...

She is turning into such the little lady! So glad to hear you are doing ok. You've been in my prayers.