Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our Little Jaxon!!!

Well we finally had our little baby boy on Dec. 29th at around 10:30 at night! It was a long day full of weird problems! It all started out when I got to the hospital they had to get and ultrasound done to make sure that he was not breach. We got that done and found out he was head down! So we then got me all set up to be induced when 2 hours go by to find out my IV had infiltrated so I wasn't getting all the patossin I needed! around 5:00 in the after noon they finally broke my water. Just a few hours later they then thought he was coming out face first so they ordered another ultra sound. While they were doing all of this his heart rate kept dropping lower and lower! Finally it dropped down to 30 BPM that is when 5 nurses fly into my room and started to prep me for a C - Section. I really thought at that moment I wasn't gonna get my baby here safe and healthy. As they rushed me to them O.R. I have to admit I was so scared but did get a sense that everything was gonna be ok. I've never been in such an emergency situation in my life... As we got in there and him back on the monitors his heart rate was better than what it had been in the last 2 hours. 20 min later I had my little miracle Jaxon Donald Wood he was a tiny thing weighing 6 Lbs and 1 ounce and 19 1/2 inches long. We are so happy to have him here and home with us! Alexa loves her little brother and is taking it so well! She is really the most amazing big sister ever! Not one sigh of jealousy at all!! I'm lucky to have such a great family and all the help I got while I was in the hospital was amazing thanks to all of you that helped me in my time of need! I love my family and I really am blessed to have such great people in my life!!!